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What Is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a healing system with its roots in the ancient Indian civilisation of the Indus Valley. Ayurveda can be translated as “the science of life” or “the knowledge of life”, ‘Ayur’ meaning life and ‘Veda’ knowledge or science.

The knowledge of Ayurveda concerns the nature, scope and purpose of life; it includes metaphysical and physical aspects of disease, happiness, sorrow, pain and pleasure. It is a holistic medical system that focuses on promoting and preserving optimal health, as well as preventing diseases. Its purpose is to maintain the quality and longevity of life.

When disease does occur, Ayurveda rarely deals with only treating the symptoms, it focuses on finding the cause.

Most diseases are attributed to incorrect nutrition and lifestyle choices, accidents or trauma, except genetic conditions which are related to one's Karma.

The incorrect use of intellect, Prajanaparadha, which means doing something you know is bad for your health or NOT doing something that is good for you, is considered the main cause of physical and mental health problems. This includes the improper use of the five senses such as watching or listening to things that may affect mental health.

Another important factor for preserving and promoting physical and mental health is optimal digestion. All food, drink and emotions that we consume have a direct influence on digestion. When digestion is impaired, the body’s functional systems, bodily tissues and waste elimination become impaired. Improper digestion and elimination of waste leads to an accumulation of toxins (Ama) in the body, which eventually causes disease. Therefore Ayurvedic medicine focuses on improving the quality of digestion.

Ayurveda provides you with a framework to understand signs of indigestion so you can correct any imbalances before they turn into disease.

To find out more about the signs of indigestion and how to improve digestion (see the blog post on how to balance Agni).



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